Cutie Honey: Tears

Cutie Honey-Tears- • Cutie Honey-Tears-
by Takeshi Asai
2016 • 92 min • OmdU • Splendid

with Mariya Nishiuchi, Takahiro Miura, Nicole Ishida, Sousuke Takaoka, Tasuku Nagase

The future: An excruciating virus plagues humanity, the global weather activity goes wild and to cap it all humanity is put a stranglehold on by a rogue organization. The matter is clear for the genius scientist Dr. Kisaragi: A pronouncedly female android has to be developed and awe-inspiringly called "Cutie Honey". Cutie Honey sets herself apart from other androids by beeing capable of feeling human emotions. And that you fight better with passion is no secret.

Text: Martin Ramm

► Metropolis Kino • Donnerstag, 1.6.2017 • 20:00 Uhr


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